Dental Health

What to Know About Receding Gums

Have you noticed your teeth looking a bit longer lately? You might be dealing with receding gums. While it’s a common dental issue affecting people of all ages, it’s also not something to brush off. Left unchecked, receding gums can lead to tooth sensitivity, decay and even tooth loss. What causes receding gums? Several factors can contribute to gum recession:…

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The Impact of Stress on Your Oral Health

Stress is hard to avoid in modern life, affecting our mental well-being and manifesting in various physical ways. While its impact on overall health is widely acknowledged, many people are unaware of how stress can influence their oral health. The stress and oral health connection Stress can impact your oral health in various ways, including: Bruxism: One of the most…

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10 Easy Ways to Stop Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums are a common and concerning issue—and they are often a sign of an underlying dental problem. While it’s important to consult your Fioritto dentist for a proper diagnosis and treatment, there are steps you can take at home to help stop bleeding gums. Here are 10 easy ways to stop your gums from bleeding: Practice proper brushing: One…

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What You Need to Know About Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth can be an uncomfortable and frustrating dental issue, but they are also quite common. Understanding the causes, prevention and management of tooth sensitivity can help you maintain a healthy and pain-free smile. Common causes of tooth sensitivity Tooth sensitivity is typically characterized by a sharp, temporary pain when exposed to certain stimuli, like eating ice cream or drinking…

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How Genetics Affect Your Oral Health

Two people with the same dental hygiene routines can experience drastically different outcomes. While some people go through life without ever developing cavities, others might require serious interventions—even if they’re diligent in brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist. Your genes play a role in how likely it is that you’ll develop certain dental health issues, and how severe they may…

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How to Establish a Dental Hygiene Routine with Special Needs Children

Caring for a child with special needs requires a unique and compassionate approach to every aspect of their life, including dental care. Parents and caregivers recognize that their child’s needs are diverse and sometimes complex, which is why providing adequate oral health care requires patience and special strategies. Dental care tips for children with special needs Dental health is crucial…

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Pregnancy and Oral Health: What You Need to Know

Pregnancy is an exciting time in any new parent’s life, but it can also come with certain dental challenges. From morning sickness to nutritional needs, your Fioritto dentist can help you address your needs and prevent complications during pregnancy. Here’s an overview of what you should know about dental care during pregnancy. Hormone changes and oral health Pregnancy is tough…

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What Parents Should Know About Baby Teeth

Your baby’s first tooth is an exciting milestone, but a good infant oral care routine begins much earlier. Although baby teeth aren’t permanent, it’s still important to care for them until your child’s permanent teeth erupt. Taking care of your child’s baby teeth supports proper speech and muscle development and builds healthy dental hygiene habits. When do baby teeth come…

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How Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis Can Affect Your Oral Health

Your oral health doesn’t operate in a vacuum. Certain general health conditions can exacerbate oral health issues, including Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. If you’ve been diagnosed with either or both of these conditions, keeping up with regular dental visits can help you manage the oral health side effects. Here’s an overview of how Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis can affect your…

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Are Electric Toothbrushes Better for Your Oral Health?

Choosing the right toothbrush can improve your oral health. While your dentist at Fioritto Dental will be happy to make recommendations for your dental healthcare needs, many people still wonder if electric toothbrushes clean teeth better than their manual counterpart. Generally, the answer is yes: electric toothbrushes make it easier to clean food debris from your teeth and gums. Here’s…

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What to Know About Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Taking care of your child’s baby teeth is more important than you may realize. Many people assume tooth decay isn’t a concern because baby teeth are not permanent. Unfortunately, tooth decay can spread and cause damage to underlying permanent teeth. Baby bottle tooth decay is a common name for extensive tooth decay in infants and toddlers. What is baby bottle…

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