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Toothpaste Ingredients: What to Pick and What to Avoid

There are dozens of toothpastes on the market, all promising to give you a bright, shiny smile and protection from cavities. Which toothpaste ingredients deliver on their promises, and which should you avoid? This handy guide to toothpaste ingredients will help you narrow down your selection. Of course, you can always ask your Fioritto dentist for suggestions—we’ll be happy to…

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Love Summertime Sports? Invest in a Mouthguard!

With summer in full in swing, Clevelanders are spending more time outdoors. Whether you’re tossing around a frisbee, playing in a softball league, skateboarding or rock climbing, a mouthguard should be your favorite new accessory. Everyone can benefit from using a mouthguard, even for casual recreation. About one-third of all injuries to the mouth and face stem from playing sports.…

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The Connection Between Sleep Apnea and Dental Health

How’s your sleep these days? Many of us work stressful jobs and juggle numerous other obligations, which can interfere with sleep quality. However, excessive daytime sleepiness, waking up with a sore jaw and other symptoms can indicate a more serious problem. Sleep apnea is a condition where a person’s throat muscles obstruct their airways when they’re asleep. As a result,…

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Dental Guidelines for Caregivers

Taking care of elderly or disabled loved ones is rewarding, but can also be challenging. You may be responsible for managing many of their needs, including their oral health routine. Oral health can dramatically affect a person’s overall well-being therefore, it is important to ensure their dental hygiene is a top priority. Thanks to arthritis and other age-related conditions, your…

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