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What You Need to Know About Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth can be an uncomfortable and frustrating dental issue, but they are also quite common. Understanding the causes, prevention and management of tooth sensitivity can help you maintain a healthy and pain-free smile. Common causes of tooth sensitivity Tooth sensitivity is typically characterized by a sharp, temporary pain when exposed to certain stimuli, like eating ice cream or drinking…

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How Genetics Affect Your Oral Health

Two people with the same dental hygiene routines can experience drastically different outcomes. While some people go through life without ever developing cavities, others might require serious interventions—even if they’re diligent in brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist. Your genes play a role in how likely it is that you’ll develop certain dental health issues, and how severe they may…

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How to Establish a Dental Hygiene Routine with Special Needs Children

Caring for a child with special needs requires a unique and compassionate approach to every aspect of their life, including dental care. Parents and caregivers recognize that their child’s needs are diverse and sometimes complex, which is why providing adequate oral health care requires patience and special strategies. Dental care tips for children with special needs Dental health is crucial…

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Going Back to School? Dental Care Tips for Kids on the Go

The back-to-school season is a busy time filled with new routines and responsibilities. As you and your child gear up for classes, sports and extracurricular activities, don’t forget to prioritize your family’s oral health. Maintaining good dental habits while on the go is essential for a healthy smile and their overall well-being. Here are our best tips for keeping your…

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Natural Remedies for Fresh Breath: Are They Dentist-Approved?

We’ve all had moments of self-consciousness about our breath. Fresh breath is not just essential for personal dental hygiene, but also plays a crucial role in social interactions. In recent times, there has been a growing interest in natural remedies for oral health, including freshening breath. Are these remedies safe to use, or should you stick with traditional products? What…

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