What Are ‘Soft Teeth?’

You may have heard people refer to their teeth as ‘soft.’  Individuals with ‘soft’ teeth may experience more cavities, tooth sensitivity and toothaches, even if they faithfully brush and floss. Some people notice a change over time as they age, while others may experience oral health decline during/after pregnancy or as a result of a chronic illness.

The truth is, there’s no such thing as soft teeth. Certain health conditions, dietary choices and other factors can contribute to a rapid dental health decline.

Why dental health may suddenly decline

If you’ve noticed that your teeth are suddenly more sensitive and cavity-prone, consider your overall health. Often, a sudden dental health decline can be attributed to heartburn and acid reflux. These conditions can send stomach acid into your esophagus and mouth.

Stomach acid is far more damaging than soda, sugar and acidic foods. It quickly erodes your tooth enamel, causing sensitivity, toothaches and cavities. If you suffer from acid reflux, heartburn or a condition which causes frequent vomiting, it is important to contact your physician to address and mitigate the effects of stomach acid.

Other health conditions and situations may contribute to a sudden decline. Malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, fever, hormonal balances, trauma to the mouth and dental decay can all create the perception of soft teeth.

If you’ve noticed symptoms of poor dental health, look back to when the problem started. If another health condition or trauma occurred around the same time, tell your  dentist. It may hold the key to finding an appropriate solution.

Dental development and ‘soft teeth’

Generally, your teeth should be able to withstand normal wear and tear—unless something damaged your teeth while they were still developing. Our teeth, except for wisdom teeth, stop developing around age 14. If your baby teeth were prone to multiple infections and cavities, you suffered from malnutrition or had a hormone imbalance, you may have developmental issues with your adult teeth. Talk to your Fioritto dentist about how these conditions may have impacted your dental development and overall oral health.

What to do when your oral health declines

When you notice a change in your oral health, it’s time to visit Fioritto Family Dental. We recommend twice yearly cleanings and check-ups for everyone, but new developments may require you to visit more frequently. Cavities, toothaches and other sudden changes in dental health should be addressed as soon as possible.

As always, proper oral healthcare is key. Brush at least twice, and floss at least once per day. Choose food and beverages that are good for your teeth: avoid soda, fruit juice and sugary snacks.

Finally, make sure you’re getting proper nutrition. Certain vitamins and minerals can help maintain strong bones and teeth, which will help you keep that healthy smile.

Whenever you notice a change in your oral health, Fioritto Family Dental can help. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.